Increase Email Open Rate: Free Hack Giveaway

Email opening or clicking is the first step in making your email subscriber convert. Suppose the email subscriber is not going to open your emails. Then your email marketing campaign will suffer from failure.

Therefore, I am here to help you with your issue. I will introduce you to custom ChatGPT “engineering prompts” that I use to write subject lines, main body, or entire emails. You can also use these prompts to increase your email open rate. One thing to note about these prompts is that I have designed them with weeks of research to validate and crosscheck their results. So, the success is assured. Let’s dive in to uncover!

Increase Email Open Rate: Step By Step Process

Follow these steps to ensure a higher email open rate:

1.    Information Collection/Generation

Before beginning the email writing process, you need to know your service/product in-depth (not when you have ChatGPT). Just gather/generate all the information, including:

  • Product/service description
  • Features
  • Benefits

If you are a freelancer, ask the client for relevant information sources. In case you have no such information, just a product/service name. Then don’t worry. You can generate all the information with ChatGPT about the product.

Tip: You can copy and paste the information from Google of exact/relevant products or services to generate the feature and product/service description.

  1. For Product Description, use this prompt:

Write down the comprehensive and highly informative product/service description on “product/service name” considering the following information “relevant product/service information from the internet.

  1. For Features, you can use this prompt:

“List only names of 10 highly relevant features (under 3 words) on this “Product/service Title” considering the following *product/service description*

  1. Now comes the hack. When you have information on descriptions and features, you can collectively use them to generate Benefits. Use this prompt:

“List only names of 20+ the benefits (under 3 words) on this “Product/service Title” considering the following *product/service description + features*

2.    Generate Subject Lines

Before generating the subject lines, write this prompt to ChatGPT:

“Write powerful and highly converting 10+ subject lines from your database that has derived email open rate of greater than 90%.”

This will provide highly engaging subject lines that will boost email subscribers’ curiosity.

Now the hack for generating subject lines is: (put everything you have so far in ChatGPT)

Use this prompt:

**Act like a pro email copywriter having experience of 50+ years. Write down 10+ subject lines on “Product/Service title”. Ensure the lines are highly engaging, mind-boggling, attention-grabbing, and unique. Write from a perspective that these subject lines drive a 50% open rate for sales emails. Follow the style of top copywriters in the world.

Consider the information on product/service benefits, features, and description as follows “Insert in this section all product description, product features, product benefits.

Also, mimic the styles of these subject lines while writing, “Put all 10+ subject lines that you have generated earlier that have a 90% email opening rate”**

Following the above procedure, subject lines can draw a 50%+ opening rate practically in the market like these

write highly compelling and curiosity boosting email subject lines

3.    Generate Main Body for The Sales Email

Now here comes the main body. The body of the email is compelling and engaging, keeps the reader hooked throughout, and forces them to convert. Generate a similar main body for the email following this prompt:

**Act like a pro email copywriter having experience of 50+ years. Write down the main body “(around 150 words)” for the sales email in “Subject Line (Chosen)”. Ensure the main body is highly engaging, mind-boggling, attention-grabbing, and unique. Write from a perspective that this main body drives 60% conversion. Follow the style of top copywriters in the world. Don’t forget to include a “CTA” Call to Action. Write it uniquely and uncommonly.

Consider the information on product/service benefits, features, and description as follows “Insert in this section all product description, product features, product benefits.

See the main body generated by the above process:

write main email body with this hack


Whether you are a pro copywriter, you have solid copywriting experience or knowledge. You can write highly converting emails using the above prompts to increase the open email rate. Just try to give these prompts a try. If you want to learn more about engineering prompts for ChatGPT that I use, click here!