Fiverr: How To Get First Order?

Getting orders on Fiverr has become a daunt-ask, especially with the beginning of 2023. This mainly happened when Fiverr removed the “Buyer Request Fiverr” section. Now Fiverr selects the best seller for a specific niche and sends a Job post for bidding.

This has made the platform difficult to survive, especially for beginner Fiverr freelancers. Most beginners ask, “How to get your first order on Fiverr as a New freelancer?” So whether you are a beginner fiver freelancer or a pro freelancer. Keep reading, and you will get your first order on Fiverr soon.

Stay Active on Fiverr 24/7 (Secret Tip)

If you are a beginner or a pro, staying active can help you win the game. There is a better chance of getting your first order on Fiverr if you remain busy most of the time.

You don’t need to stick to Fiverr 24/7 yourself. You can use the “Auto Refresh Plus” extension. In the past, beginners used page refresher extensions. This extension allows you to set the fix/one time, after which you want the page to refresh. But the drawback of this extension was that by doing so constantly for 15 minutes Fiverr tracks your activity as a robotic activity. Fiverr finds it suspicious and prevents you from accessing your account but with verification.

Auto refresh plus fiverr how to get first order

Auto Refresh Plus has solved this issue. You can assign the random interval with a time range. Let’s say 15 to 60 seconds. The extension then picks up any specific time within the range and automatically refreshes the tab.

Make an Account With US/UK IP

As the UK/US lies among developed countries, they have more potential for work. There is a better chance for you to get your first order on Fiverr as a new seller. If you open up your profile from US/UK, there is a strong chance that you may get high paid jobs.

To open the Fiverr account from US/UK, you need an extension for IP change. Several extensions exist for this purpose. The attachments which I recommended include Setup VPN and VeePN.

Choose Niche Wisely

Selecting the niche matters a lot. If you choose a niche flooded with freelancers, it will become harder to rank high. For instance, as an example, take content writers and data scientists. As per Fiverr, Articles and Blogs services, over 60k sellers exist. While on the other hand, for data science and AI, only 779 services are available.

fiverr choose niche wisely

Acquire the skill and start selling in low-populated niches. Another thing you need to consider is never moving out of your niche while creating Gigs. Suppose you are doing Data Science and AI + SEO Blog Posts. Then it gives the buyer a non-professional perspective about you. Therefore make at least 5 gigs right around your niches.

Use Social Media (Fiverr How To Get First Order)

To Get the first order on Fiverr, you first need to bring in views, saves and clicks on your Gig. You can use a variety of social media means. The key channels include:

  • Quora
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Twitter

Another exciting thing is that you can search these social media channels directly to get your first order for Fiverr. Copy your gig link and search “your niche + hiring” on LinkedIn and Twitter. Make sure to filter the latest posts option. You can also use “hiring” hashtags on Twitter and linked to filter out relevant posts. Just DM (direct message) them and ask for an order.

On Quora and Reddit, things are different. Join the “r/forhire” on Reddit. You will see daily 5 to 20+ new jobs. Reach out to your relevant post and ask for an order by showing your portfolio, skills, proven experience etc.

Quora is something slightly different. You need to answer the question on Quora based on your experience and then direct the viewers to your gig. This will boost the Fiverr gig. If you keep directing the 500+ viewers, there is a strong chance you will land a job. Stay active on these social media channels and try to find a buyer. This will help you a lot.

Add Video To Your Gig

As per Fiverr, if you add a video intro about your service, expertise, and skills. Then there is a 220% more chance that you will get an order than those sellers without video intros. Don’t forget to copy the expert copywriters doing so. This will increase the opportunity to bring buyers and boost Fiverr Gig.

In the video intro, you can offer a Free Trial Service, Money Back Guarantee etc. to convert visitors to customers. Videos are truly a Gem to get buyers.

Don’t Forget SEO

In the end, you need to Focus on your Gig Title\description\images SEO. This will help you rise among other sellers on Fiverr. Analyzing top sellers of your niche and copying their style using tags and descriptions can help you with SEO. This is true especially when you are a beginner and do nothing about SEO (search engine optimization)

FAQs: Fiverr How To Get First Order

Where To Find Buyer Request On Fiverr?

You cannot find buyer requests on Fiverr anymore. Fiverr has introduced an update and eliminated the buyer request section. You can follow the tips mentioned in the above article to quickly get the order on Fiverr.

How do you boost a Fiverr gig through Fiverr Affiliate?

Fiverr affiliate is the commission-earning way to use Fiverr. Whenever you refer someone through a Fiverr affiliate, they are directed by Fiverr to your account. This means you can do more business this way besides boosting Fiverr gigs.

How long does it take to get the order on Fiverr?

There is no specific time frame for how long it takes to get the order on Fiverr. It depends on your online activity, socialization, and expertise. Generally, if you follow all the above stesp within a week or earlier, you can get your first order on Fiverr.